Saturday 20 November 2010

Tadadadaaaan! Berny's blog

Hi everybody!
Today i have to give the award for the best blog... so, the person i'll choose is... ME! ahahaha just kidding, a blog i allways read, and post is bernardita's one ( ) i enjoy every post, she has an excelent english level, i think she's the best one also, her post are real, speak just like she would be talking next to me sitting on the grass at university or casino in the faculty, she's just a normal person with problems just like everybody and i think she's not afraid to write about the non experience she might have with activities like concerts or job, that's interesting to read because, like i said before, she's not afraid to write what she thinks even if is a good or bad opinion, she just write and i really like that =)
What else can i say about she? ummm let's see, her blog has a nice a presence and is very tidy, the blog obey all the week posts and all of them very good write as usual, all with the berny's write style (sounds funny to say "someone' style )

I invite all of you to visit her blog, post her and share with your friends the weekly posts she made, so basicly that's why i gave the award to bernardita =)

Congratz girl! the price is yours see you soon!

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