Friday 26 November 2010

Chile at 2010, a good bicentenary so far?

We all know that in 1810 chile started to be an "independent" nation, in 1810 was the first national board of goverment, defining part of the future in the land we live today.

Today Chile has two hundred years, for some people been in a bicentenary is just the first part for the progress and only when we reach the tree hundred or maybe a millennium, we're avaliable to say "we are finally a full nation, a power country just like United States or recently China and Japan" (the last one is right now just a little behind United States, it estimates in a couple years the Goverment of the economy will be in Japan or china's hands, sounds logic to me i don't know if for you does).

In "democracy time" we've had five presidents, one of them a Woman (the first one in the history of latin america) and also one from the "Right"side (National Renovation - RN political way to goverment) since the times "Pinochet's" times, as i remember we had also a couple of revolution the universitary and the school students one (I was part of the Penguin revolution - 2006). So many things have happened, and we only have two hundred years, people have change, education, work, and even the way of think have change, Chile is not a 1000% sexist country, oh well... maybe still have some sexist politics (like the salary difference between women and men, today the women gain so much less than a guy who works the same quantity of time... so lame but true).

Maybe my vision can be a little fatalistic but i think we have to improve a lot of things before to say we have grown up as a country and a community, we have to solve so many issues with our

ancestors, have to improve the education and stuff like that.

Because right now the education is so expensive, and for some people is just a way to make money (the private universities, not all of them but almost all) meanwhile more people enter to that university, more money they make, so more powerful the bussines men became, but in "public education" is so hard to gain a place, if your scores in PSU are sufficiently good, you can go to, for example our university. once you're in the "U" you have to see the way to pay for your education (and been honest, is not much cheaper than a private school, careers like medicine or dental costs more than five million pesos, that's a lot for a middle class family who only live with the minimal salary).

Believe me, is hard to think clearly if the past 200 years have been for good for the country, for us and for the next generations. We have the hard task of being a better place for the next generation, we have to make the next 200 years better than this one. we have to try so hard and make a supernatural effort to reach a total greatness as country and also people. We have past for earthquakes, tsunamis, economical crisis, the half of our patrimony is in foreing hands and we're still working for being a better country, and reach the next century and party hard the tricentenary :P
*Picture from :HvM

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