Friday 26 November 2010

Chile at 2010, a good bicentenary so far?

We all know that in 1810 chile started to be an "independent" nation, in 1810 was the first national board of goverment, defining part of the future in the land we live today.

Today Chile has two hundred years, for some people been in a bicentenary is just the first part for the progress and only when we reach the tree hundred or maybe a millennium, we're avaliable to say "we are finally a full nation, a power country just like United States or recently China and Japan" (the last one is right now just a little behind United States, it estimates in a couple years the Goverment of the economy will be in Japan or china's hands, sounds logic to me i don't know if for you does).

In "democracy time" we've had five presidents, one of them a Woman (the first one in the history of latin america) and also one from the "Right"side (National Renovation - RN political way to goverment) since the times "Pinochet's" times, as i remember we had also a couple of revolution the universitary and the school students one (I was part of the Penguin revolution - 2006). So many things have happened, and we only have two hundred years, people have change, education, work, and even the way of think have change, Chile is not a 1000% sexist country, oh well... maybe still have some sexist politics (like the salary difference between women and men, today the women gain so much less than a guy who works the same quantity of time... so lame but true).

Maybe my vision can be a little fatalistic but i think we have to improve a lot of things before to say we have grown up as a country and a community, we have to solve so many issues with our

ancestors, have to improve the education and stuff like that.

Because right now the education is so expensive, and for some people is just a way to make money (the private universities, not all of them but almost all) meanwhile more people enter to that university, more money they make, so more powerful the bussines men became, but in "public education" is so hard to gain a place, if your scores in PSU are sufficiently good, you can go to, for example our university. once you're in the "U" you have to see the way to pay for your education (and been honest, is not much cheaper than a private school, careers like medicine or dental costs more than five million pesos, that's a lot for a middle class family who only live with the minimal salary).

Believe me, is hard to think clearly if the past 200 years have been for good for the country, for us and for the next generations. We have the hard task of being a better place for the next generation, we have to make the next 200 years better than this one. we have to try so hard and make a supernatural effort to reach a total greatness as country and also people. We have past for earthquakes, tsunamis, economical crisis, the half of our patrimony is in foreing hands and we're still working for being a better country, and reach the next century and party hard the tricentenary :P
*Picture from :HvM

Saturday 20 November 2010

Tadadadaaaan! Berny's blog

Hi everybody!
Today i have to give the award for the best blog... so, the person i'll choose is... ME! ahahaha just kidding, a blog i allways read, and post is bernardita's one ( ) i enjoy every post, she has an excelent english level, i think she's the best one also, her post are real, speak just like she would be talking next to me sitting on the grass at university or casino in the faculty, she's just a normal person with problems just like everybody and i think she's not afraid to write about the non experience she might have with activities like concerts or job, that's interesting to read because, like i said before, she's not afraid to write what she thinks even if is a good or bad opinion, she just write and i really like that =)
What else can i say about she? ummm let's see, her blog has a nice a presence and is very tidy, the blog obey all the week posts and all of them very good write as usual, all with the berny's write style (sounds funny to say "someone' style )

I invite all of you to visit her blog, post her and share with your friends the weekly posts she made, so basicly that's why i gave the award to bernardita =)

Congratz girl! the price is yours see you soon!

Friday 12 November 2010

Uhhh hard question!

I think today is one of the hardest post i've ever had because i have to write about a great chilean so far (to me the biggest chilean today is my dad or mom), Chile is not so big, but besides all the famous or not really famous person... to me the greatest chilean was Victor Jara (lol, that's may sound like a cliché i know)
Almost everyone know Victor, or recognize his name so i'll put a little piece of his biography: wasa Chilean teacher, theatre director, poet, singer and songwriter.political activist and member of the PC (partido comunista)in a theatre director, he devoted himself to the development of Chilean theatre, working with different things since the classical theatre to the experimental one, as you can see he was more than just a singer or a guy with a "very typical name just because it sounds like Violeta Parra".

I think what he did in our country during the time he was alive (remember he died, or was murdered in the 73, starting the dictatorship of Pin8shit) have no price, he gave a lot of new ways of art to this country, he made songs by his heart to our hearts (that's my point of view) and not only music, also did theatre, wonderful pieces of the national scene like the plays "la remolienda" (originally from sieveking) or "Los invasores".there's no doubt to me that victor was a great chilean.

If i have him with me, i'd ask him how would he feel been alive in our times? i imagine the answer and i can see him saying "very stressful" ajajaja but as i allways say i can think in a lot of answers and things to do with a person i would like to meet but... having the person in front of me... changes everything!

Take care all of you!

Friday 5 November 2010

Becomin' a doctor (like doctor house?)

Hi everyone, i think we all sometimes have tought if the career we choose is the right one, or if is it really the only career you're going to take in life... i am one of the people who allways wonder "what would it be if i..." with today's task i'm wondering how would it be if instead been studying this career i'd be studying medicine. (yes everyone at school i was scientist and wanted to study it) well i can't imagine myself as a real medicine student right now... i can't stand be around by death bodys or blood constantly, when i was fifteen it doesn't scared me but right now when i'm 20 years old i swear i see blood or an injury i feel sick and have this weird need to run xD.

My mom and friends of her said to me (when i was little and wanted medicine) "oh to reach this career you have study a lot, almost be a lab rat and practicly have absolutely no life" ¬¬. very nice as you can see the friends xD, i knew that time all the pros and cons of the situation but anyway, i had "vocation" or whatever you call. with time this vocation went away from me and right now honestly i don't know where is, but it doesn't bother me not have it.
Been a doctor is hard, and the hard life start when you are in college, it's true that you don't have life, you have a lots of subjects and if you fail one you fail almost the whole year, even when you past the rest of subjects, for example "you fail anato and you come back to first year" so you must be stick at your books and study since math to the micro bone next to the crain behind the neck (its just an example not the real anatomy of the human being).

Anyway... i did not study medicine because i dont like chemistry so i wouldn't be able to reach a lot of points in science psu because of chemistry :P but i'm happy on this career and i'm even more happy with photography

Take care everyone =)