Friday 24 September 2010

Wallmapu, does it sound?

FotografĂ­a: Hvm

Hi everyone, today i would like to write about a "sensitive issue" in our country, i'm talking about the "mapuche conflict" and the law number 18.314, or better called "anti-terrorism law", i've researched for a while about this law and how will affect people, not only mapuche but also people like us, students who decide to walk with our university to ask for our rights, workers that make strikes and people in general who decide to express their angry to the injustice and not stand in their sits like the rest.
right now this law is affecting 34 "mapuche comuneros" who went to jail accused by the chilean goverment of burn a couple of trucks, pine woods (the pines were not a typical tree, this are planted by bussines men companies to explote the land and then to sell the wood to countries like china and united states) and block roads with some pines. we have to think that maybe is not the way to fight with the goverment burning trucks and blocking ways but they only have their lands, they are land people, they live with it, and what happen when someone come and took what for centuries was yours, what would you do? how did you feel with that?. just think about it =)
today the 34 guys are in their 74 hunger strike day, they are so weak and still the goverment has no solution to them, Chile does not want to absolve the comuneros and even less to revocate the law because right now it worths.
meanwhile the rest of comunities in the araucanĂ­a are supporting the best they can, go to visit the prisoners and ask for them. in santiago and the rest of country so many people are joining to the hunger strike.
i hope some day the goverment (wherever who went in the front sit, left or right) give the mapuche their rights, as we have rights the should to have their own to, they are living in our country, we should be respectful with people who went so much before than us and lived without any problems in the earth and with the earth.
Here i left a link with the law in case you want to read it, and be careful if you're thinkin about to throw molotovs xD
Take care all of you =)